HAHAHAHAHAHA........... i started my post with a big laugh...thoose who want to read it oso need to laugh first...HAHAHAHAHAHA.......
ok stop..!!! enough....
ok stop..!!! enough....
sebenarnyer ptg td...while i'm on my way to sleep...(btul ke ayt nie?? need help g-ha) i keep thinking how to solve my masalah kewangan...actually bkn la sy xde duit skrg nie...still ad wlaupun xbyk..emmm fhm2 je la klu dh end of sem nie...but my probs is during my sem break...wat can i do to get some income?? xkan nk mntk ngan abah je....cian la abah...lgpun i need to do something dis sem break. sebab klu xwat ape2 confrim bin sure dats my weight akn naik. n nanti bukak next sem i will look like a ballons...hehehe. tp tu la....klu nk kje, kje ape?? abah kasi ke?? sy mane pnah keje sblum nie????
then dis evening i got such brilliant idea, wat i'm goin to do.....guess wat??? i plan to open my own kelapa jelly stall...hehehehe. sy nk jual kelapa jelly...sbenarnyer skrng pun my parents mang de wat kelapa jelly untuk jual....tp bkn jual sendiri but org tempah...jd bkn jual direct la....so ape salah nyer klu wat lebih n let me sell them by myself...kat depan umah...umah sy tepi jalan...so rase2 tmpt tu dah ok....hahahaha knp la xpnh dtg idea nie b4 dis???
ape2 pun kne tny big boss dulu....eeiiiii xsbar nyer nk blk n nk tny abah...nk call skrg pun xde kedit...adooiiyyaaaiiii....tp most probably abah bg kot,....sbb modal xbyk...keje dpn umah...mase sy terisi....n yg penting abah xpyh bg duit poket dah....(konon2 nyer la)...bygkan klu sy dpt untung...wah best nyer...boleh la sy meng 'experiment' resepi2 yg sy kumpul berbulan2 dah nie....wahhhhhh suke2......
nie contoh pic kelapa jelly...tp nie bkn la yg parents sy wat...nie search tenet....tp gmbr nie mang sebijik la ngan yg my parents wat...dr bekas sampai la jenis parutan kelapa tu..hah..cam tu la....rase xthu same ke x?? tp yg sy thu da one dat my parent made mang best...xterlalu keras...xterlalu lembut...n kelapa byk...hehehe....klu biase nyer my parent jual dlm bkas yg lbh sama kot tinggi ngan yg gmbar nie ialah 70 sen je....klu bekas besar yg biase org jual air tu RM1.20....
One of my cousin staying n working in KL mintak resepi nie ngan my abah....dia blk KL bt bisness kelapa jelly...tp macam side income la....sebab dia pun eksekutif kat syarikat pe ntah...but wat i know gaji mang byk angka la.....n he said kelapa jelly dia mang laku...siap de orang tempah untuk kenduri....beribu2 tue....hehehe
wah best nyer klu bisnes sy pun menjadi..eden kayo..eden kayo....hehehehe....so hopefully abah kasi la ek....pleeezzz abah.....
then dis evening i got such brilliant idea, wat i'm goin to do.....guess wat??? i plan to open my own kelapa jelly stall...hehehehe. sy nk jual kelapa jelly...sbenarnyer skrng pun my parents mang de wat kelapa jelly untuk jual....tp bkn jual sendiri but org tempah...jd bkn jual direct la....so ape salah nyer klu wat lebih n let me sell them by myself...kat depan umah...umah sy tepi jalan...so rase2 tmpt tu dah ok....hahahaha knp la xpnh dtg idea nie b4 dis???
ape2 pun kne tny big boss dulu....eeiiiii xsbar nyer nk blk n nk tny abah...nk call skrg pun xde kedit...adooiiyyaaaiiii....tp most probably abah bg kot,....sbb modal xbyk...keje dpn umah...mase sy terisi....n yg penting abah xpyh bg duit poket dah....(konon2 nyer la)...bygkan klu sy dpt untung...wah best nyer...boleh la sy meng 'experiment' resepi2 yg sy kumpul berbulan2 dah nie....wahhhhhh suke2......
One of my cousin staying n working in KL mintak resepi nie ngan my abah....dia blk KL bt bisness kelapa jelly...tp macam side income la....sebab dia pun eksekutif kat syarikat pe ntah...but wat i know gaji mang byk angka la.....n he said kelapa jelly dia mang laku...siap de orang tempah untuk kenduri....beribu2 tue....hehehe
wah best nyer klu bisnes sy pun menjadi..eden kayo..eden kayo....hehehehe....so hopefully abah kasi la ek....pleeezzz abah.....
haha..need my help? err btul la kot tie..aku pom bukey reti sgt..wah wah wah..sgt bagus nk jual klape jelly..my mom's feveret neh..u know wat mommy, my asben (ececece), die xtawu pun ape itu kelape jelly..maybe kt KL ni xbyk lagik kot org jual..
ReplyDeletereally?? emm...maybe sebab kl xdop pokok nyor hahahaha.....doa2kan lah bia ak btul2 jg nk jual..insyaaallah...
ReplyDeletehahaha...jolo bokali..sbb tu byk monyet2 berkeliaran kt ukm neh,sbb xdop kijo..nk ukah pokok nyor,pokok nyor xdop..buleh wat bisnes neh,export monyet2 cergas..hii