salam DUNIA......heehehe...smgt lebey. now it 5.00oclock in the morning and i waking up for sahur alone, by myself coz dila already have her sahur last nite b4 she sleep...actually it's quite difficult to open my eyes and focusing on da screen....but i'll try my best. y?? coz only at this time i can posting an entry in my blog....i can't do dats at other time coz da line is lame....emmm...THE LINE IS dat a correct one?? but its sound good...hihihii
well....what i want to story2 today is about my new KEY OF HEART.....try to figure out what it is?? cube teka??klu betul nah ambik dua posen nie...hihihii....KEY OF HEART is my new digital camera....ala...bkn yg mahal pun, yg biase2 jew...OLYMPUS T100. agak2 nape la ak pggil die KEY OF HEART kan?? xke pjg name tue...y i'm not give it such a simple name like for my laptop, i called it YORUMEE.... KEY OF HEART is actually BOA's song. and dats song is use for the olympus camera commercial. it's not dat i'm a biggest fan of BOA, but i like dat song and the MV...dis is bcoz, my fav member in Suju LEE DONGHAE is in the video....hihihi..sgt2 childish kan sayer nie...kuikuikui...ape2 pun, someday i'll promise to myself dat sy akan belikan diri sendiri 1 DSLR yg mang cun giler nyer bile tgk ade student yg mmpu pakai DSLR tue...bile la ak dpt rase ek?? xpe2..sabar2...someday u will....hihhihi
lps beli camera nie la..i become addictive to photo editing. b4 dis pun mang dh penah try2 edit pic, tp skrg lain skit....lain cmne ek....tgk je la pic kat bwh nie...and boleh2 la leave some comment okay....hihihi.

these are some of my fav one...stil gota few of more...but i'm gonna post it later ek...just try to find it in YORUMEE DESIGN....see ya...assalamualaikum.
well....what i want to story2 today is about my new KEY OF HEART.....try to figure out what it is?? cube teka??klu betul nah ambik dua posen nie...hihihii....KEY OF HEART is my new digital camera....ala...bkn yg mahal pun, yg biase2 jew...OLYMPUS T100. agak2 nape la ak pggil die KEY OF HEART kan?? xke pjg name tue...y i'm not give it such a simple name like for my laptop, i called it YORUMEE.... KEY OF HEART is actually BOA's song. and dats song is use for the olympus camera commercial. it's not dat i'm a biggest fan of BOA, but i like dat song and the MV...dis is bcoz, my fav member in Suju LEE DONGHAE is in the video....hihihi..sgt2 childish kan sayer nie...kuikuikui...ape2 pun, someday i'll promise to myself dat sy akan belikan diri sendiri 1 DSLR yg mang cun giler nyer bile tgk ade student yg mmpu pakai DSLR tue...bile la ak dpt rase ek?? xpe2..sabar2...someday u will....hihhihi

lps beli camera nie la..i become addictive to photo editing. b4 dis pun mang dh penah try2 edit pic, tp skrg lain skit....lain cmne ek....tgk je la pic kat bwh nie...and boleh2 la leave some comment okay....hihihi.

these are some of my fav one...stil gota few of more...but i'm gonna post it later ek...just try to find it in YORUMEE DESIGN....see ya...assalamualaikum.
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