ini lah cabaran yang paling terbesar bagi saya semester nie. I
ni adalah pertama kali kami mengambil subjek elektif bagi core course. For the first time, we all will be divide into two different group, taking two different subject. One is ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS and the other one is BUILT ENVIRONMENT.
Kenapa saya rase tercabar???
- kami 32 orang yang pilih subjek environmental informatics ni, adalah batch pertama yang ambik subjek ni. walaupun subjek ni dah di offer pada setiap sem, tapi tak tahu kenapa senior2 kami agk kurang berminat nak ambik subjek nie. semua ambik built. maybe dieorang more kepada civil n architecture kot....kami pulak berebut nak masuk kelas nie. mase register subjek awal sem haritu pun, kelas nie yang full dulu...sampai ade yang merayu2..ngeee....
- subjek EI nie "macam" susah sikit, (tp built pun susah jgk). tapi EI nie lebih kepada software, data dan statistic. semua nyer berkaitan on how to process raw data. found out more about EI, klik sini.
- silibus adalah silibus baru. lecturer pun baru...and the second part of this subject would be more on chemical. and Dr.Ong said, for his part he will teach us more about chemical, research especially about the constructed wetlands...interesting yet very challenging....
- moreover in that class, hanya 13 orang jew Melayu. first time kami jadi minoriti dalam kelas. so kena work extra hard.
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