untuk speaker pertama: Dato' Prof Dr. Nik Rahimah Nik Yacub
- the first impression was quite amaze me becoz of her name. WOW!! i wish i could have that title in front of my name too..since she is also NIK...hihihi...hopefully someday i will
- her English is superb. Her pronouncation is amazing for a Malay.That's my opinion lah. her vocab is very rich i can say. her words she used during her speech is rarely used by common speaker but still can be understand. superb!
- but, when she ask question or response from the participant, you could almost heard pen clicking, coz no one dare to response i guess...hihi
- just now [ i'm actually writing this comment during her speech] she was laughing but we are not. maybe they could not guess her jokes...i guess..
- even i feel that my bad english is improving when i hear her good english..hihihi
speaker seterusnya dari En.Azman from AKPK [ Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit]
- title:money and you...
- unfortunately...i can't barely open my eyes...
- i felt sooo sleepy....maybe becoz i don't really sleep last night
- of course la...how could you sleep in a moving van...plus i my sit is at the last row. dah macam naik kuda.
next, after lunch: Dato' Sri Che Khalid Mohammad Noh...
- guess what?? who is he??? he is the CEO of TNB..
- he become CEO TNB at the age of 39. what an amazing experince..
- i like his speech becoz he talk about Korea....hahahaha [sorry..my bias]
- he talk a lot about leadership.
- good speech, eventhough i'm not really focus coz distracted by "MYSTERIOUS SMS"
-ceo of TNB-
after that, followed by Dr. Hjh Sharifah Mazrina Syed Abd Kadir
- she is the first Asian Women who went across south pole and north pole [ i guess a lot of people know her]
- her speech is the most interesting one..coz manage to capture, maybe 100% attention from the audience.
- unfortunately, i miss almost half of her session..hihihi...why???? because me n miss dilah went to see our good friend that coming from UPM just to meet us...hihihihi..
lastly by Prof. Dr. Mohd Tajuddun Ninggal
- he is from UTM, and i was'nt mistakes he is the pengerusi of PEMADAM.
- We sing westlife song " i have a dream" together..
- "there is no better me other than me, there is no better you other than youself"
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